JaNiE's CoRnEr!!!
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'k this is baby me!(ya' right). Some history behind Me is that I graduated Valedictorian from Progreso High School and am now attending the amazing University of Texas at Austin (far away from home.) I didnt quite make it to california but I didnt even apply so there! Besides Austin is cool too, even though its still a hell hole since its in Texas. Anyway, I do stuff now, since austin is the music capital and stuff. I've been to a DISTURBED and KORN concert... at the same TIME!!! how much better can that get?? (a perfect circle would be nice too..)

The History Behind My Site
In my 4th Period Telecommunications and Networking class in HIGH SCHOOL, my cool teacher (Mr. Gonzalez) helped us start this cool site and I forgot about it for two years, but now I found it and I'll keep updating it as I promised. Im living in a dorm right now with super high speed connection (T3) and so I can do anything I want whenever I want so I'll definitely keep it up.

Other Reasons!!!
This page is also a Personal Web Page, as well as my Friend's Page. You'll be able to see most of the people who're in my TelNet Class, as well as my best friends and stuff. (this was me in high school)

Now that Im in college, I'll add some pics of friends that I've made here and some cool pics of my campus too, and of course of my BABY!! and pics of me in california... basically, it'll be a hang out place to learn about the amazing JUANITA (Janie).

E-MaiL Me

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