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My Classmate's Web Pages will be posted here!!
In my Telecommunications and Networking class, we're making our own web site, this is for the actual class!! I added some people's web addresses here, they're pretty cool too, if you guys wanna go over and give them a look!!

ReMeMbEr!! These people are my class mates, they're pretty cool and fun to be with, just watch out for Emily!!

Search Engines

I think its the best search engine, but thats just me...

Lycos One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
Yahoo! With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
InfoSeek GO Network is a new brand that brings together the very best of the Internet in one, easy to use place.

PlAcEs U Should go TO!!!
YaZmInA's PaGe!! Procrastinating Athiest Chica!!!
EmILy's PaGe If you guys want to see a cheerleader's home page, click here!
ErIc'S PaGe This here is the kids page, full of fun, cool, romantic stuff.
ChRiStIe's PaGe One smart, cool, nice and fun to hang around with SeNiOr!!!! at PHJ!
My BrIeFcAsE My AbStRaCtS for my Telecommunications and Networkings Class~!!
YeSsIcA's PaGe YeSsIcA's CoOL! FuN, Interesting Page! Ya'll come look, she's really sweet! =o)
RiTa'S PaGe WaTcHoUt!! For Rita now, she's a "dedo" so ya'll be careful! J/K Rita :P
Sarah's Xanga

So there's this web builder thing called Xanga and my friend sarah (from college) has one so here's her page.  Enjoy!

TeAcHeR's PaGe Mr. Gonzalez's Home Page is.. teacher like, professional and stuff. Its cool though, I like it!