Weird Internet Pics
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These are Cool Pics!
So Im a very lame person and dont have anything interesting to talk about, so instead, I'll fill my page up with really cool pictures! Enjoy.


Nope, Beautiful..

Birth GIver
This is how people imagine the world started, some guy with a gun just started shooting people out of it. Wish it were that easy...instead of shooting kids out of our uterus!
One of My FAv.
So my mom loves to collect owls, this reminds me of them. If u've ever been to my place, u'll know that its full of owls. Aren't they cool?

I love children, cant wait to have my own.


Music is Life

just plain cool

I believe this is one of Salvador Dali's paintings

Iron Maiden

This reminds me of the movie where the children were sacrificed to a tree, and their faces were imprinted on the bark.  Freaky ass movie!!
